Join our village with a financial gift to A Friend’s House that can be used in many ways! In a group home such as A Friend’s House, you may be helping to provide a healthy meal, a warm bed, a weekend activity, a birthday party, a haircut, and most definitely a roof overhead. Every donation is tax deductible and guaranteed to make a difference in the lives of our youth. Thank you, in advance, for any amount – we are grateful for your partnership!


A Friend’s House is the gracious recipient of several private and public grant contributions. Our grant partners are an integral part of the success of AFH, and whose support we do not take lightly. We feel a great sense of ethical responsibility to honor each gift to the very best of our ability as we serve youth in crisis.Through grant partnerships, our “village” is strengthened to raise up each child.

Grants to Green gives nonprofits the opportunity to renovate, or build, work-places that are environmentally efficient, and provide environmentally focused knowledge and funding to strengthen nonprofits in the Atlanta region. Together, with matching funds from the Community Block Development Grant, A Friend’s House was able to make over $90,000 in “green” upgrades to our facility in 2014. This included a more energy efficient air conditioner and heater, low flush toilets, faucets, HE washing machine, some window replacements, Solatube lighting, and motion-sensor LED lighting replacements.These improvements helped us save over $9,000 per year on utility bills! Because of these updates, and other intentional efforts to continue saving energy, A Friend’s House consistently receives awards from the Atlanta Better Buildings Challenge in water conservation. In 2018 and 2019, A Friend’s House also received awards for Energy Conservation.



You may send a check or money order to

A Friend’s House, 111 Henry Parkway, McDonough, GA 30253


You may choose to give a one-time gift or a recurring gift when you donate online at one of the following secure and trusted platforms.

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