All children need a home to provide a sense of security and unconditional love. Unfortunately, for many children, “home” is a place devoid of these necessities. In 1995, a group of concerned Henry County citizens decided to take a stand for abused, neglected and abandoned children. The result was A Friend’s House, a home for children in crisis. The doors opened on October 27, 1998 and over 2050 children have been welcomed since. A Friend’s House operates as a home for children in the custody of the Department of Family and Children Services. Residents stay for an unspecified length of time while a best course of action is determined based on a child’s assessment needs.
The support of Henry County citizens helped build A Friend’s House. The dream is still moving forward as additional construction was completed in 2006 on a million dollar expansion that doubled the size of A Friend’s House. This expansion includes an additional 12 bed adolescent wing, additional offices and much needed storage space.
The children need your continued support. In 2014, Child Protective Services in Georgia investigated 33,221 reports of child maltreatment. At the end of 2014 there were 8,620 children in foster care. Henry County ranks 8th in the state in number of substantiated child abuse/neglected cases in 2012.
A Friend’s House is dedicated to meeting the emotional and physical needs of children in crisis. Services such as counseling, medical treatment, academic assistance and recreational opportunities are available for the children. Please join us in our effort to improve the lives of these special children. Please visit the other pages on our website detailing volunteer opportunities or giving opportunities.
Thank you for your interest in A Friend’s House.