We invite individuals and organizations to create their own fundraisers for A Friend’s House. In the past some have held suitcase drives, bake sales, coin drives, jean days, yard sales, received collections, 5K’s and many more for the cause of helping youth in crisis. What a great way to build camaraderie within your group! We’d be glad to work with you on any ideas that you may have by publicizing your event, providing collection devices and any other way that we can help.There are some truly creative ways to partner with A Friend’s House and we invite your ingenuity!
A Friend’s House is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.
© 2024 A Friends House – All Rights Reserved.